Batheaston Churches 



The Parish of Batheaston with St Catherine has joined with Bathford Parish in a United Benefice. Rev Lauretta Wilson is Vicar of the Benfice

Our local churches provide a place of welcome for all local residents and visitors alike.  On our web pages, you can find out more about our village churches, service times, special events and what we, as a community of Christians are doing in the area. As a close-knit community, we offer people of all ages a place of tranquility, inspiration and connection.  Why not get involved and come and see us soon?




 Click here for pictures

St John the Baptist

St  John the Baptist​

St Catherine's


  Children's Activities


Click here for more info

 Church Services


        Click here for our church               service times to                       help keep you up-to-date        with our special celebrations.






Our Church is open for Sunday Services



 Diary Dates & Notices


Click here for more info 



Our weekly, term-time and holiday activities give local families a chance to meet informally. Mums, Dads, Carers, Grans, Grandad or single parent.


              You're all welcome


There are lots of lovely events going on in our community so please keep an eye on our calendar to stay connected.






Our churches offer a special place for people to come together to create active and caring communities. We help each other, we support local and national causes and we support international communities in crisis to help build fair, equitable and sustainable solutions. 


Please donate or volunteer a little if you can.




Christmas Services




Please come join us!


For details




Community Links 


Batheaston Parish Council


Batheaston Church School


Batheaston New Village Hall


St Swithun's Church, Bathford